Wednesday 12 February 2014

Vintage Pattern Bingo or Fabric Match?

OK, my Final 21

Now to be clear, these are not necessarily all my favourites, some of those didn't make the Final Cut because I'm focusing on patterns I think I might make multiples of, that don't need massively grading, that have a definite place in my daily wardrobe right this very minute.

I'll go back for those in the future, when I've got to grips with vintage patterns a bit more and think I've got a fighting chance of doing them justice.

That said, I want to make all of these, I love all of these and I think they've
got a place in my life, right here, right now :)

Dressing Gowns/Robes:

Here's the thing - I desperately need a new dressing gown - I'm envisaging a crisp cotton for spring/summer.
My instinct is to make the Simplicity one but I've included the Butterick in this final selection because I'm determined to use fabric already in my stash and that may work better - basically I'm keeping my options open.
The Simplicity men's robe was purchased for my brother Qui Gon Jinn - I've owed him this for months, we even went to Goldhawk Road to buy the fabric together
If I'm honest it's the steaming of 5 metres of wool that's putting me off!
Anyway, I also bought fabric to make one for P so I have 10 metres of fabric in my stash to make 2 men's robes - that's a lot of steaming! 
When I made my Harry Potter cape it took me the whole of 'Hello Dolly' stood in front of the TV.  I might get through a box set of dvds prepping fabric for my brother and husband!
I should get on with it.  My brother definitely wants the double-breasted version, P not so much I don't think.  Having the Butterick pattern in this Final 21 gives P other options.


I love blouses - I can't make a decision between any of these, I
love them all for different reasons
I didn't realise until I put the photos together that they are all,
each and every one of them, Style patterns



These skirts look pretty similar but there are differences and I love a classic skirt
I think the New Look/Maudella pattern could be super for work - kind of a
more casual suit.  I really like View 1 with the different fabrics

I'm determined to make a knit top, it's on my 'to do'
 - I do love the batwing shape, if I make it with a vintage pattern
I can cross off 2 for the price of 1 garment!



I love the Style pattern for work, I think it would be a really
useful addition to my work wardrobe.  I'd be brave enough to tackle this
now I have a machine that doesn't chew buttonholes!
And the Simplicity pattern is so lovely, both styles, but I'd probably make the
shirtdress (View 2), I do not have the figure for the nipped in waist/full skirt sadly

I was lucky enough to get both of the patterns above in last year's Sew Weekly Reunion Swap
Barbara sent them to me with lots of other goodies.
I wanted to make both but I didn't have the right fabrics in my stash to fit in with the Pantone theme
I think I would make the lilac version (View A, short) of the Fit & Flare dress and
the long-sleeved, short version (View B) of the McCalls pattern 

I think View 3 (yellow) of the Style pattern is gorgeous for the summer
I'm actually torn about the Butterick.  My instinct is A, probably because the picture is polka dots!
My Girlie wants me to make her View B, she loves the sleeves - I'm not sure if I'm
feeling unselfish enough to sew it for her!

I have both of these in mind for work wear - gorgeous
I love the neckline of the Style pattern and the whole ensemble of the Butterick

These are more casual - I'm be aiming for the maxi version of the News of the World pattern, I really like that it's a zip front
I plan to make the short sleeved version of the Woman's Weekly pattern, I'm thinking
about fabric combinations.

And frankly I have absolutely no idea where I would wear this but I think
it is absolutely beautiful, View 1 I think for me
So now I need to decide how to proceed with my limited selection:
I don't know whether to play Vintage Pattern Bingo.  Basically this is a bit like exactly copied from Sarah Liz's Lucky Pattern Game, I would give them all a number and select at random.
Or I can go through my stash and figure out which of these I already have suitable fabric for - thus removing the need to do any more fabric shopping!
I'm really not sure which approach to take - think I'll sleep on it :)

1 comment:

  1. What beautiful patterns.. Love all the blouses.. but my favorite is this last dress pattern.. Oh my!! I love the pockets, I love the neckline with the little collar.. Just perfect..
    Happy sewing and happy decisions.


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