Wednesday 19 February 2014

Crafty Happenings - Week 7


Good grief, this is late ... I don't even have time to make excuses to myself!

Right, I have one Finished Object:

Another tote bag using the free Craftsy pattern
 This is for my wonderful friend H - it is her birthday on Friday
She's always wanted to have a sweet shop - a proper old fashioned one with jars
This fabric, picked up in Goldhawk Road a couple of weeks ago, is perfect
And another quick turn around on the stash fabric

Then there was some Planning:

I signed up to this Craftsy class forever ago
Finally got round to watch the class all the way through - I knew I needed to do that rather than rush in
And picked out my size - OK I know that's little progress but it is progress!

And printed off all the pdfs I've downloaded recently
I know that, technically, this is a terrible photo but I used it because it proves that the sun shone here last weekend :)

And then I made a start on a Project:

This is the start of a blanket for my friends' new baby

And this will be a laundry bag and taggy blanket
I bought this fabric in San Francisco (Stone Mountain & Daughters actually - all very exciting!), I had exactly this project in mind because I found out on this very day that my friends were expecting their second baby.

And, last but not least, an award:

One Small Stitch

Dani, who blogs over here, very kindly nominated me for the Leibster Award.
I've been fortunate enough to be nominated before, I did answer the questions the first time and then totally bottled it when Kathryn nominated me.
But there are 2 aspects to these awards that I love:
1.  You get to find blogs that are new to you - so please link to the posts above if you want to find some great new bloggers and
2.  I'm nosey and love to read the answers people give to their questions.  So, I'm going to answer Dani's here - it's not fascinating, don't say I didn't warn you!
What was your best holiday ever?
Oh without a doubt my honeymoon in Portugal - Paul and I got married in 2005, second marriage for both of us.  We wanted to do something different, not the 3-ring circus of stress we'd seen often.  We got married in the UK so that immediate family and friends could be with us and then we went on honeymoon with 14 of the people closest to us. Straight from the ceremony, in a coach to the airport, in our wedding finery (tiaras, bouquets, the lot).  It was my birthday - the other passengers on the plane congratulated us and sang Happy Birthday to me!  We had a ball.  In fact, next April we're doing it all again for our 10th anniversary - except there will be more of us this time as babies have been born, people have got married, life has moved on.  I am so excited I can't express it adequately, a great group of people I love with all my heart on holiday together again :)
What is something that comes easily to you?
Communicating!  I'm a talker, and if I'm passionate about something then prepare to hear all about it.  There's a standing joke at work about my invisible soap box - don't get me started! I love helping other people understand stuff, training and teaching new things.  And I'm absolutely not an aural learner so I am really enthusiastic about working to different learning styles.  I probably should have had a different career in all honesty.
What is your favourite thing about your home?
Our bedroom - we extended the house a few years ago and I love the room, it's really light and bright and we have a great big sleigh bed and I've wanted one of those since I was a little girl.  I love, love, love my bed - I'm a bit of a dormouse.
Of course, my craft room is a close second :)
Early bird or night owl?
Probably night owl by inclination but I have to be an early bird!
Who was your first crush?
David Cassidy - The Partridge Family - loved it!
What two things do you want to do before you die?
I don't have a list - there are loads of things I'd love to do and I'm totally open to ideas I might not have had yet.
What makes you laugh?
Oh goodness, loads of things - my family, our cats, The Big Bang Theory, Fawlty Towers, Billy Connolly.  I'm not a fan of slapstick - I think I'm most amused by the ridiculous.
What was the best decision you ever made?
To have my children - they've taught me all the important stuff I needed to learn.
What are you most afraid of?
I can't even type that - can't tempt fate and put it into words.
On a very superficial level - mice and rats - yuck!
What three wishes would you request from a genie?
Funnily enough this isn't the first time I've been asked this question recently and so I've really thought about it and the answer is I wouldn't wish for anything.  I am very fortunate and have more love and security in my life than I ever imagined would be possible.  I'd give the wishes to someone who needed them.
What is the most essential thing you've learned so far?
On a practical level - learning to drive, totally broadened my opportunities.
On an emotional level - that you can't do it all, and it won't all be perfect, that good enough is absolutely fine. I need to remind myself of this pretty often!
Thanks Dani - remember to go and check out the blogs that she recommended :)



  1. Love the bag.. Know your friend will be happy .. Great plans ahead..

    1. I am knee deep in tote bags at the moment, I made one as a gift and now have orders from my work colleagues, my daughter's work colleagues and I need to make one for my son's girlfriend. Good job they're easy :)

  2. That fabric for the baby blanket looks so cute! Your tote bag action reminds me I've had one cut out for over a year now - I really need to see it up. I love that you wouldn't wish for anything - it's far too easy to wish our lives away & forget what we have.

    1. Lovely fabric isn't it? The plain yellow is flannel, cosy. I must admit I use my tote bag all the time - funny how you can have a project sitting for ages when it needs little done to get it finished - I have piles of those! x

  3. Ah, I love that sweet shop bag. So cute!

  4. And my friend was delighted with it, which is totally the best bit :)

  5. Oh that sweetie fabric is fab! A tote bag is a great way to show off such lovely fabric


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