Friday 7 February 2014

Sorry - You're Out

Oh I am on a roll, I've got to get these numbers down otherwise there's just too much choice and what will happen is I actually won't make a decision and nothing will get made. 
I do have some self-awareness! 
Of course, I'm going to make all of these one day, every single one of them - just not for the Vintage Sewing Pattern Pledge.
So, I've already got it down to 47, here goes ...

I'm going to be selfish so no 'niece' sewing

I don't need a suit

This was a gift from one of Auntie S's dancing buddies
She made this for herself when she was a young woman
So elegant

Just look at the collar - gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous

Not my size - no time for faffing

Not 'different' enough

This isn't the blouse I want at the moment and
the skirt is too similar to the vintage pattern I've already made
For another time

Well obviously I'm too old for the backless number!
I like the little jacket and skirt but they're not standing out at the moment -
I've got to be really, really ruthless!
I've got a batwing knit pattern I want to make so that takes priority
So, that's another 15 off the list - I'm down to 32!


  1. I love that red maxi dress, but I can totally understand you not wanting to faff around with grading the pattern.

    1. Glorious isn't it? 50p in a local charity shop for that pattern. I know! The shaping on the front of the dress is lovely. That's why I picked it up despite needing grading but I know if I have too much choice I'll stall completely. On the basis I've only used 3 of my vintage patterns to date I need to focus if I'm going to make up 4 x

  2. Wow! You're really being ruthless!

    Out of all of these it's the suits that are making me pine (and they're not even my patterns!). That first Butterick one has such gorgeous lines...

    1. It's not easy - I love all of these! The Butterick is just stunning - and the lady who made it all those years ago remembered exactly what fabric she'd made it from, how much it cost her etc. I love those details x


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