Thursday 25 July 2013

Lisette Continental Dress - The Sequel

Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening/Night (please select appropriate greeting!)
It's another beautiful day here - I'm so glad I made another of these dresses
Close up of the triple stitching on my neck binding - I'm really enjoying the things I can do with my new machine. This photo is a much better indication of the actual colours.
P and I are trying to figure out if the terrible photos are my responsibility because I:
  1. can't abide having my photo taken
  2. take all the photos in this family (see 1) so he doesn't get much time behind the camera
  3. am much shorter than him so he has to stand very awkwardly to get a straight-on shot - often resulting in a Hall of Mirrors effect!
or, his fault because
  1. he's failed to find any way to make me comfortable when I know I'm having my photo taken
  2. see 2 on my list
  3. see 3 on my list, not helped by P's bad knees!
Needless to say I don't do the garment's justice but any attempted photo taking does end up with us both in fits of laughter so that's positive :) Apparently Doris is a lot less trouble.
I got brave and used some of my precious fabric stash from Japan - at current exchange rates this works out at about £6.30 for the 2 metres, I have only scraps left. It's lovely quality, really soft as if it's already a well-worn piece that's been worn a few times - does that make any sense?
This is the second item I've made in a couple of weeks that is linked to a trip we've taken - I think this is the best type of souvenir :)

I'm not going to review how this make went as I did that in detail with my red version last week. I'll just add that I cut the straight 8 this time and it's perfect. Oh, and I forgot to mention properly last time but one of the things I really like about this is that it's a cool, sleeveless summer dress but I can wear a normal bra - I avoid strapless as much as possible, have never found a comfortable/flattering one yet.
So I have No 3 to make for my DD's pregnant friend and then I'll put this pattern aside and try something new.


  1. This is lovely Jacq, it looks so fresh and cool.

    At least Paul will take photos of you. All mine are self timer ones, as Des (who loves taking pictures mind you and has an expensive digital SLR) can never be bothered to do any for me.

    1. Oh the trials and tribulations of blog photos! Using Doris is much easier. I'm going to have to do better if I'm going to take part in MMM next year :)

  2. What a perfect dress for the summer!! Love the fabric - fabrics (and the resulting wardrobe pieces) are my favorite souvenirs :)I try and get pictures taken outside if possible - natural light has always made me feel less dreary. Good luck experimenting!!

    1. Hello Meg! This is definitely going to be my approach to holiday mementoes from now on - any excuse! I'm sure the neighbours will be highly entertained by our photographic efforts - I might aswell try to cheer everyone up :)

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you Gail - not in your league but I like it :)

  4. Gorgeous fabric and another beautiful dress! And we have similar issues with photos. I blame my husband! :)

    1. Thank you. Photos are obviously a tricky issue!

  5. Hi Jacq, it's lovely to see the dress on you, it looks gorgeous on. Doris doesn't do it justice.

    I understand how you feel about the photos, cos I have the same problem - my husband is usually busy, so I self time and they are always universally awful :) Outside is better, but it is sometimes harder work to sort of set up outside (or get the husband outside at the same time...).

    1. Thank you Sarah Liz - I know what you mean, it is good to see clothes actually on a person. I need to figure out the self timer on my camera I think and give that a try :)

  6. Such a lovely summery dress! Beautiful fabric and style :) I hear you on the husband-photo front; I don't even ask anymore! Luckily my daughter loves to play with the camera...

    1. Thank you Danielle. When my son was home from uni last summer he was very obliging (and has a great camera as he's a keen phototgrapher) but he's an intern this summer so has not been home much. My daughter is always busy but I think I'll ask her, she has a very good eye for clothes and might help with some poses other than 'awkward'!

  7. I love this dress, and the fabric. Well done :-) As for photos, I also hate to take them, and DH is often busy. I use a self timer and wait to be alone so I can get somewhat creative in posing hahahaa.

    1. Thank you Mary - this is clearly a bigger problem than I realised, the challenge of the blog photo! :)

  8. This looks so comfy! Epic work :D


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