Tuesday 30 July 2013

Happy Washing

I know I'm officially a saddo but this photo makes me very, very happy - I hung the washing out and then realised the line was full of (a) fabric that I was pre-washing in readiness to sew and (b) clothes I have made for myself.


PS - please ignore the state of the garden - if you were in any doubt it is clear I am not a 'stylish' blogger with beautifully staged photos!



  1. I don't think you are sad at all - that would make me really happy too! And i jealous you managed to get a washing out this week!

    And your garden is beautiful! I like the purple flower - is that budlia (prob spelt wrong!)?

    1. Well I'm glad I'm not the only happy woman when it comes to a line full of laundry! Yes it is a buddleia - it's getting very big, I'm going to have to cut it back once it's flowered - one of my favourite plants, reminds me of my Nainy's garden :)

  2. What a lovely photo.All the pretty clothes /fabric hanging on the line.. so fun.. Happy sewing.

    1. I'm hoping to tackle all of that pre-washed fabric for August style the stash - fingers crossed!

  3. I was admiring the buddleia as well - its' beautiful. I love informal gardens. I was out today and looked at clothes in various shops - not a patch on the worse me mades :) So I am glad you are enjoying your preshrinking and the fruits of your labour on the line :)

    PS I prefer "real" blogs anyway - maybe because mine is that way, and it is nice to have company :)

    1. sarah Liz you are a true enabler - thank you for all your encouragement :)

  4. Ahh, self-mades and self-mades-in-waiting! I totally understand your happiness! xx

    1. And all the fabric I'm drying is pre-loved so I'm upcycling too!

  5. I would love to have a place to hang my wash. You are so lucky, and what a beautiful butterfly bush.

    1. I would miss my washing line if I didn't have it - I'm making the very most of the good weather we're having!


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