Wednesday 10 July 2013

An 'all manner of stuff' catch up!

Hello people, are there any of you still there?

I have lost count of the number of times I've planned to write a post over the last couple of weeks - the longer it's gone on the harder it is to get started. 

What can I tell you? I'm pants - I mean proper pants, not the kind of underwear your mother thought it was acceptable for you to get run over in (I never did understand that argument to be honest - and I've been run over in real life).  No, I mean sensible, keeping everything warm, no VPL, proper big pants. 

I would like to assure you I'll do better in the future - but I wouldn't hold your breath!  Life is tricksy.  And my beloved non-working days are not happening - sadly the organisation I work for is in a real place of uncertainty and it's all hands on deck.  What will be will be I guess.

Anyway, shall I actually tell you something sewing related?  Yep, OK then ...

One of the reasons I haven't had time to blog is because I have a new machine, I am in love.  Want to see her? ...

Ta, dah!

So I bought a Janome in the end - the TXL 607
I tried several machines - I'm so lucky to have a local sewing machine shop, Maidstone Sewing Centre.  One of the demonstrators, Sue, spent 2 separate mornings with me, letting me try different machines and showing me all the features.  I could have got a cheaper machine but this one has everything on my wishlist (including quilting extension table and all the extra quilting feet) so it's perfect for me. 

I know I'm really lucky to have it.  And she's a joy to work on, I put the buttonholes on my new skirt in minutes - bliss.  P says it's much quieter - partly the machine itself but mostly because it actually works and I've stopped swearing!

I've been trying all the stitches and having a good old play.  I haven't made much yet but I'm familiarising myself with her.  Oh, and thanks to Sue I've a bit more confidence with my overlocker too and I've been using that lots - mostly doing exciting stuff like cutting and neatening the bottom of P's golf trousers before I hem them properly - small steps!

I have even done some actual sewing - and I will blog about it properly (I promise, I promise) but I will just show you this one bag ... a commission from my nephew and niece (aged 6 and 2) for my sister-in-law's birthday today.

F is very into bird watching.  He bought his Daddy (my brother) a bird feeder
for his birthday in April because apparently 'he really wants one' - seriously!
This fabric (from my stash - result!) was perfect.

My new machine does a little bit of writing - this is the
exact wording F asked for.  And the heart shaped button is because
they love their Mammy.

A zipped pocket was essential because Mammy's carry
important stuff.
I can't tell you how chuffed I am to have been able to make a special present for F & A to give to their Mammy.  I love being an Auntie :)

I'll be back!

Update - Complete fail on my part, the tutorial I based the bag on is this brilliant one from Very Purple Person - terribly remiss of me not to mention it straight away.


  1. Very exciting about your new machine! "Use it in good health" as they say in Turkish!

  2. good to see you are back :-)

    1. Thank you - I have just about managed to keep up with my blog reading - I'm loving your cowls :)

  3. Ooh, how exciting that you got your new machine. It looks fab!

    Bless your nephew and niece requesting a special present for their mum (or mammy)!

    1. I am very excited!
      They are sweet - F has history of asking me to make stuff - my all time favourite was the outfit for his super hero teddy bear (including boots and eye mask)! It was a great hit and resulted in orders from all of his school friends - orders I did not fill I hasten to add!
      Apparently he's very pleased with the bag and has given it to M 4 times, basically if she puts it down he presents it to her again! He's got a very good grasp of the idea of commissioning a service from somebody! :)

  4. what a lovely present and your niece and nephew sound lovely! That's very exciting to have a new sewing machine! I've been reading quite a lot of posts recently of people getting their machine serviced once a year and it's made me think I need to do that - pay my sewing machine a little more respect for all the hard work it does!

    1. Hi - I think it's very easy to forget to service a machine, yet you wouldn't do that with your car or boiler! Sadly my old one wasn't much improved by a service - however, I had nearly 10 years of use and I'm hanging on to it. You definitely need to look after yours - it's a special machine :)

  5. Yay for new machine! It's all kinds of rad!!!

    1. 7 types of buttonholes - honestly, I didn't know there were that many!

  6. Hi Jacq- we all have times away sometimes when Life Demands Other Things. I'm going through a spell of that as well at the moment.

    I'm thrilled you have your new machine and can at least start dreaming again...

    And the bag is gorgeous :)

    1. Sarah Liz you are one of the most productive people I know - I don't make as much as you when life isn't busy! You produce more muslins than I have wearable garments. I take my hat off to you - and I have several I could use having just attended a wedding and the High Sheriff's garden party I even have a choice of hats to take off!

  7. Awww! What a fabulous bag! That's too sweet. Congrats on your new machine, it looks a beaut. Zoe x

    1. Thank you Zoe - I have high hopes. It's much easier to sew if you don't have to keep your fingers crossed that the machine will work :)

  8. I have the same sewing machine and I love it! So much quieter than my Mum's old one which I was using, and less stressful too!

    1. Oh that's really good news, I have seen lots of good reviews :)

  9. Hello, nice to see you back and it is such a lovely new machine. The bag is great, the message is very cute.


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