Wednesday 1 January 2014

Hello Blog - Remember Me?

Hello Little Blog
I bet you're feeling a bit neglected, left off the Christmas card list, overlooked.

I managed a Draft post about John Denver and the Muppets Day
but never posted it

Expectations were high as we had F & A to stay for the weekend
- Uncle P did a brilliant job of breakfast :)

To be honest Little Blog, you were just one more thing on a very long list in the last 6 weeks or so and I knew I could let you slide off the end.  I've struggled to even keep up with all the brilliant blogs I follow. 
I even had a bit of a wobble and wondered whether it was worth putting you back on the list at all, perhaps we'd reached the end of a road - I know, very unfriendly.


I enjoyed a wonderful Christmas Lunch with friends from the Rochester Sewing Club
- Julie was delighted with her Secret Santa present from Rachel

Foxy Sewing - Made by Rachel


Brilliant knitted pincushion by Julie for Polly
- I admire anything knitted, being entirely pants myself!


Another craft bag, for Rachel - I totally forgot to photograph this after I'd made it, just
not in a bloggy frame of mind

My gorgeous present, made by Polly - this appeals to me so much,
I'm delighted with it, and it's all marvellous polka dots on the inside

The little oriental fans are my absolute favourite.
Polly was in the middle of Christmas madness, family birthdays and
house moving.  How she found time to make this is beyond me!

I've been snowed under (sorry, pun entirely intentional) with Christmas, worrying family stuff, the death of a friend and colleague I admired so much, work re-structuring/potential job losses and just general, all-round crapness. 

Ernie and Elmo did their bit to help us feel more Christmassy

Elmo had to make a concerted effort - at this point it was becoming clear My Boy
wasn't going to make it home for Christmas and she misses him badly.  Not me, I'm fine
about the whole thing, honest ... poor Elmo

I had a decision  to make - I could just about make all the gifts I so desperately wanted to give or I could photograph and blog a couple and accept I wouldn't get the others done. 
I decided to actually do the stuff that keeps me sane and figure out where to go from there.  Life is, after all, about the living of it rather than keeping a record, right?

For another Sewer

For my 'pink' friend S

For my Sister-in-Law's talented Mum - whose knitting
keeps F & A in jumpers :)

There was another bag for My Girl, a Jane Austen cross-stitch for my brother and his wife, a
Pirate Izzy costume for A and a
stuffed penguin for My Boy. 
None photographed but completed with love and done in good time :)

We made a pre-Christmas dash to Swansea to see My Boy and his Girlfriend
- so lovely to see them

A Christmas decoration for our tree, made by My Boy's Girlfriend -
so thoughtful


Despite the terrible weather and power cuts, we managed
to take P's parents and his aunts and uncles out for a Christmas lunch

P with his Mum

Sadly there's an aunt and uncle missing from this group,
sad losses to the family in the last couple of years.
I'm so glad we managed to do this - it was lovely to get everyone together.
I love how much effort they all made dressing up festively -
they're a fine bunch of people :)

Crafty Auntie S and P's Dad

Christmas is over, spent with my brother and his family (and yes I still owe him a dressing gown - goodness, the guilt!).
We saw the New Year in with My Girl, my Best Friend and her husband which was lovely.   I've had a chance to catch my breath today and I realised how much pleasure you give me Little Blog. 
How great it is for me to have a record of what I've made (well it would be if I made any effort whatsoever to keep my Achievements pages up to date!).  And I've made some great friends and am part of a brilliant sewing group.
I'm not really one for Resolutions but I think you and I should stick with it little Blog.  And, despite being an Excellent Starter I'm determined to try to be a Finisher this year - it's certainly worth a go.
So, can we make up?  I'll update my 2013 list of completed projects and then it's onwards and upwards for 2014 :)


  1. looks like you had a fun Christmas... and got a lot done. And spent time with family.. and that is all that matters.
    Happy sewing,crafting.. and blog when you can..

  2. Looks like you had a fun time with your family for Christmas, and that is what is important. Blogging will work out, when you have time.. Enjoy your post.. but we all get busy, and have to do other stuff.
    So sorry about your loss. Sending prayers for you.. and pray for a Happy new years.

  3. Hi Jacq, Happy New Yeat! I'm so glad you decided to stick with the blog! I love your Christmas tradition & a John Denver muppets album sounds ace! Here's to a happy, healthy & creative 2014!

  4. Happy New Year Jacq. I'm so pleased you've decided to stick with the blog, but I totally agree it can be hard to find the time and inclination to write posts sometimes, particularly when life with all it's ups and downs gets in the way.

    1. Absolutely, but I'm feeling much more positive about it now, sometimes it's hard to get going again when you've had a break x


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