Saturday 1 June 2013

21st to 31st - MMM '13 - The End - Phew!

Photo courtesy of

Well, I got to the end...

MMM ’13 – 22/05/13 for evening Crochet Club get together – New Look 6007.    I did not expect to be wearing this during MMM but we had sleet and hail stones!

This is my Harry Potter cape - previously blogged.

MMM ’13 – 23/05/13 for training Q&A – McCalls M5934.  Very easy make, I started this months ago and then stalled, MMM gave me the push to finish it.  The fabric is an odd texture, no idea what it is, I picked it up in Japan for Y980 (about £6).  It’s not great to work with, which is probably why I stalled.  I think if I’d had my overlocker then it would have made easy work of this.

 I chose this vent design, the fabric wouldn't have worked with the gathered version.
 I've pretty much decided this is a bit too big - now need to psych myself up to take it in!

MMM ’13 – 26/05/13 for gardening– 70s A-line skirt pattern again. This is the same pattern as I used for my red skirt, this is the version I made first. The elephant fabric cost me £8.43 for 1.5m. This was about the 4th thing I made and I was really pleased that I managed to make the elephants line up perfectly – small steps! When I made this one I added inseam pockets – I love pockets but I don’t think they help the way the skirt hangs. However, we spent the day with my nephew and niece and, at 5 and 2, they love the print!

28/05/13 - MMM '13. 'Michelle' skirt from Burdastyle. Made in April '12, lined with a recycled sheet!
1.8m of Cecilia fabric from Ikea cost £5.38 (used remnants to make pj shorts).
29/05/13 - MMM '13. Colette Sorbetto made in Feb '12, the second thing I made I think.
 0.7m remnant, £2.80 from John Lewis. Added 'Mena sleeves' and neck facings.
  Ideally would be a little longer but ran out of fabric!

31/05/13 MMM'13 - Red A-line skirt and White Sorbetto, worn previously this month. 
I look terribly wrinkled, end of a manic day and then I built a tent in the garden - obviously!

MMM '13 has been really informative, I have a whole list of things I've learnt ... but I'm not going to get into that now.  I have plans afoot for June (including PJs and the Stashbusting Sew A Long) but everything is on hold.  I can't think about Plans or Schemes or my 'What I've Learnt' list because we're off on holiday - woo hoo!

And not just any holiday ... I am fulfilling a childhood dream ... my Christmas present from P .... hired for a week ...

Zebedee - hired from the wonderful  Vanilla Splits in Sussex

I am so excited I can't express it properly.  Is he a beauty?  We're off to Brighton tomorrow for one night and then we pick up the van and we're heading to the Isle of Wight for a week with my bestest buddy and her hubby.  It's going to be hot and sunny - I've decided!

See you when we get back - I'll bring everybody a virtual stick of rock!



  1. love your outfits... and love your vacation van...
    Hope you have tons of fun with your friends.

  2. I really love the cape. It was really fun seeing all your outfits. It's incredible. Have fun on your holiday :-) Seeing the A-line skirts reminds me that in spring I really need to do some casual ones for myself. I have been planning to do so for ages, but ...

    1. Thank you. I hade quite a few things I didn't wear because of the weather, I definitely have more summer wear that I've made - ridiculous given our climate in the UK! I love A-line skirts, flattering I think for lots of shapes and ever so easy to tweak :)

  3. Well done - I think you've earned a good old rest ( a sunny one of course!) Jane x

    1. The weather was glorious - and now it is raining again - we were so lucky :)

  4. That van is so cool, and what an amazing idea for a holiday! Looks like you've got perfect timing too as summer seems to have arrived for us! I've loved seeing all your makes during MMM and look forward to following along on your blog in future!

    1. Hi Kathryn, I'm really enjoying following your blog - a real plus of MMM is finding so many fab new to me blogs :)

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. Some great outfits there. I bet you didn't think you'd be wearing your cape though!

    Have a wonderful holiday, it sounds like great fun.

  7. Congratulations on getting to the end of MMM13, it has been great to follow your progress. I love the camper van too!

  8. OMG!!! That cape is incredible!!! Thanks soooo much for taking part in the challenge this year, you are awesome! I really hope you'll consider taking part again next year (perhaps with a self-made cardi or two?!). Hope you had a great trip. Zoe xxx


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