
Thursday, 28 November 2013


We don't celebrate Thanksgiving in the UK but I am absolutely chuffed to have been at my baby brother's wedding last week.
And as it was in America, here's my Thanksgiving photo.
It was a joy to be part of such a fab day -
and I got through my reading without weeping ... or at least I can pretend I did, as you can't see my face!

The groom is my brother Yoda, the best man is my brother Qui Gon Jinn - I just might still owe him
a dressing gown!

 Now you'd be forgiven for thinking nothing gets made around these
here parts but here's a 'twofer'

I finished the Princess Bride cross-stitch that I made for a wedding present -
we were banned from buying gifts but handmade is better :)

Please excuse the flash, in the current dark weather I couldn't seem to avoid it.

And I'm not the only crafter around here either - these are the personalised cufflinks my husband made as a gift
He spent ages taking apart a vintage typewriter (it really was beyond repair) and cleaning
everything up to make these for the wedding party , I think they turned out brilliantly


  1. Congrats to your brother and new wife.. Wish them the best... Love the cross stitiching and the cuff links are beautiful..

  2. The cross stitch is gorgeous. I've still got my eye on the Dr Who ones I found after you first posted about this.

    Love the cufflinks too, what a great idea.

  3. it's brilliant, both the cufflinks and the cross stitch. It is indeed something wonderful to be grateful of :-)


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