Hello there! I thought I'd join in the 10 Random Facts I've seen in my blog reader today ...
1. Today is my daughter's birthday, this beautiful photo is her 25 years ago. She is still, and always, my Baby
2. I don't understand metal teapots, they make the tea taste funny, why do they exist?
3. If something is available in a polka dot version I will always choose that one
4. If something is available in Orange I will choose that one too
5. If the polka dot version was turquoise and the orange one was plain I'd probably get both!
6. I love chocolate but not chocolate dessert or cake - pointless, just give me the real stuff
7. Sorting out my craft room makes me so happy I sing to myself - very badly
8. I am rubbish at growing house plants but have finally got the knack of orchids thanks to my brother
9. I would like to be someone who prepares well in advance but I actually produce my best stuff under pressure - at work and creatively. It seems to focus my mind
10. When I'm stressed I create simple things - I am currently knee deep in cushions and
lavender bags!